Head: Aristotelous 25 & Afxentiou 12, P.C. 17455 – 1st floor
Laywer in payroll: Mastrokalou Anna
Tel.: 210-9887055-056



The Legal Advisor is responsible for the operation of the Service. He has the responsibility of division of labor and assigns tasks to the lawyers of the Municipality according to the service needs.

Indicatively, the Legal Advisor has the following responsibilities:

  • Exercises duties of Head of the Legal Service of the Municipality.
  • Supervises all legal and judicial cases, coordinates, monitors and handles the above cases of the Municipality and its Legal Entities.
  • Provides to the Mayor, the Deputy Mayors and the President of the Municipal Council any requested opinion or advice on any legal issue concerning the Municipality and its Legal Entities, after relevant questions.
  • Provides opinions in order for any kind of compromise or abolition of the Municipality, according to the terms of the Municipal Code and the current legislation.
  • Provides the directors of the services of the Municipality with their opinion, on issues of the services that require special legal research and elaboration.
  • Attends the meetings of the Municipal Council, the Executive Committee, the Economic Committee and the Quality of Life Committee, when requested.
  • Supervises, coordinates and directs the work of the Department and its Paid Lawyers.